Last update : 23-10-28 09:29
   Kogure653-653.pdf (275.4K)
2023-10-28 13:10-13:50 [IS-1] Invited Session

The Latest Update on QZSS Program

Satoshi Kogure

Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) is a regional space based Position, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) system which Japanese Cabinet Office is operating. Currently, four satellites are orbiting around the earth and providing three categorized services, GPS complementary service, GNSS augmentation service and messaging service to Japan and surrounding area in the eastern hemisphere. The three additional satellites will be launched from 2024 in order to complete 7 satellites constellation. The presentation will introduce the latest update on QZSS program.

Keywords: QZSS, PNT, plan, GPS complementary, GNSS augmentation, messaging services

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Satoshi Kogure