Submission GuideLines

Code of Ethics

Enacted on July 16, 2012
Revised on December 20, 2013

Article 1 (Purpose) This Code provides the basic ethical principles and directions that must be followed the members of the Institute of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing in conducting research activities, thereby intending to maintain the high level of the English journal of Position, Navigation, and Timing and contribute to the development of research on global navigation satellite systems.

Article 2 (Code of Ethics for Authors) Authors of submitted papers must comply with the following code of ethics in writing and submitting the papers.
1. Authors must secure generality in the respect for human rights, compliance with bioethics and environmental protection in the research process, and conduct research on topics of sufficient academic value.
2. Authors must describe the research contents and findings completely, concisely and accurately in the submitted papers, and must not use the data of other researchers inappropriately (plagiarize) or distort the research findings.
3. Authors, when using open academic data that is closely related to the research contents of their papers, must include it in the references and clearly state the sources.
4. Authors, when citing undisclosed information obtained through personal contact, must use the information after obtaining the consent of the researcher who provided the information.
5. Submitting a paper to this Journal redundantly, even though it is already submitted to or published by another journal or is expected to be submitted, is an unjust behavior and thus not permitted.
6. All researchers that contributed significantly to the research process must be coauthors, and corresponding authors must be responsible for all parts of the papers.
7. For non-academic support such as administrative and financial support or simple academic advice, it is desirable to indicate the relevant details in the “Acknowledgements”.
8. Authors must obtain approval from the relevant parties regarding copyright before submitting the papers when necessary, and confirm that no form of dispute may arise later.
9. If errors are found in submitted papers, it is the authors’ duty to revise or withdraw the papers.

Article 3 (Code of Ethics for Examiners) Examiners must comply with the following code of ethics in examining the submitted papers.
1. Examiners must fairly and objectively examine the paper with a consistent standard without prejudice against the author’s gender, age, race, organization or personal connections.
2. Examiners must avoid examination based on their personal academic beliefs or assumptions that are not perfectly verified.
3. Examiners must respect the personality of authors as specialized intellectuals, and clarify in detail their judgments, revisions and supplementations regarding the examined papers.

Article 4 (Code of Ethics for Editors) Editors (Editor-in-Chief, editors) must comply with the following code of ethics in examining and judging the submitted papers.
1. Editors must fairly and objectively judge the examined paper according to the fixed guidelines without prejudice against the author’s gender, age, race, organization or personal connections.
2. Editors must determine whether to publish or reexamine the submitted papers with a consistent standard based on the examination results of the examiners.
3. Editors must not disclose or misuse information obtained in the process of examination.

Article 5 (Research Ethics Committee) The Research Ethics Committee may be temporarily operated for investigation of unethical behaviors, and investigative and disciplinary measures will be taken against unethical behaviors in the following procedures.
1. If unethical behaviors are exposed or there is an appeal in the examination process of submitted papers, the Editor-in-Chief determines the significance of the matter and organizes the Research Ethics Committee with a few editors and experts in the field when necessary.
2. The Research Ethics Committee performs a prompt, objective and fair investigation of the related matter, and must provide an opportunity for explanation via document within 30 days to the relevant party or organization, and ultimately submit a written report to the Editorial Board.
3. The Editorial Board determines the level of discipline for the relevant party based on the report written by the Research Ethics Committee, and submits to the Board of Directors.
4. The Board of Directors reviews the report of the Research Ethics Committee and decisions by the Editorial Board, and takes final measures. If it involves a paper that is already published, the publication of the relevant paper may be cancelled.

Article 6 (Others) Matters not included in this Code are decided based on related acts and subordinate statutes as well as social norms.
Supplementary Provisions

1. This Code comes into effect starting July 16, 2012.
2. This Code comes into effect starting December 20, 2013.
Ethics Charter

Enacted on July 16, 2012

All members of the The Institute of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing shall give top priority to improving the quality of human life as the main agent of improving scientific knowledge and bringing technological innovation, and behave honestly and justly so that they can preserve honor, integrity and authority with high ethics as GNSS experts.

1. We shall give top priority to improving the quality of human life, and use and contribute to our knowledge and technology.

2. We shall contribute to developing GNSS technology and industry through our activities at the Society, and strive to enhance public safety, health and welfare.

3. We shall be honest and fair in education, research activities, publication of findings and participation in reality, and be faithful to ethicality and conscience as scientific technicians and scholars.

4. We shall conduct general activities according to the foundation purpose of the The Institute of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing.

5. We shall not present in our papers or writings the research or arguments of others as if our own, and respect the research and development achievements of others.

6. We shall not pursue unjust or inadequate profits using information obtained in academic activities or research.

7. Members in charge of examination, advice and evaluation of papers and research must be fair in their activities only by their academic conscience.