2023-11-02 13:30-14:30 [P-36] Poster
전자파를 사용하는 대드론 시스템의 기술수준 분석
최채택*, 채명호, 최승호
20세기 들어서 발달하기 시작한 항공산업은 군사용, 민수용 구분없이 최근까지 많은 진보를 이루어 왔다. 무인 비행체는 위성항법시스템을 이용한 자율비행(Way-point)과 원격제어(Remote-
control)를 이용한 수동비행형태로 운용된다. 무인 비행체는 공중을 비행하므로 이동에 제한요소가 별로 없어 국가 주요시설, 군사기지, 중요 산업시설 등 접근이 제한되는 보안구역도 쉽게 접
근할 수 있다. 본 논문은 국내에서 생산/판매중인 소형 대드론장비중 잡음/기만 전파를 송신하는 재머 장비의 기술수준을 분석하고 향후 대응을 위한 발전방향을 제안하였다.
Analysis of Technology Level of Anti-drone System Using Electromagnetic Waves
Chaetaek Choi*, Myoungho Chae, Seungho Choi
The aviation industry, which began to develop rapidly in the 20th century, has made great progress until recently, regardless of whether it is for military or civilian purposes. Unmanned aerial
vehicles are mainly operated in autonomous flight using a satellite navigation system and manual flight using remote control. Since unmanned aerial vehicles fly in the air, there are few
restrictions on their movement, so they can easily access security areas where access is restricted, such as major national facilities, military bases, and important industrial facilities. In this
paper, we look at the performance of equipment that uses electromagnetic waves among the various anti-drone equipment in Korea for which information is publicly available. We analyzed the
technical level of noise jamming and deception jamming that most current equipment possesses were identified and the equipment performance was confirmed. Lastly, the future direction of
development in preparation to counter is described.
Keywords: GPS, jamming, spoofing
Speaker 최채택* 국방과학연구소 |