2023-11-02 12:10 [C6-1] 보강시스템 2
KASS 위성통신국 사이트 현장설치 적합성 검사 결과
신천식, 이종문
본 논문은 한국형 정밀 GPS 위치보정시스템(KASS: Korea Augmentation Satellite System)을 구성하는 위성통신국 장비가 해당 사이트 현장설치 요구사항에 만족되도록 수행되었는지를 입증하는 현장설치 적합
성 검사결
과를 제시한 논문이다. 위성통신국 사이트 현장설치 적합성 검사는 유럽의 SBAS 시스템인 European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service에 대한 인증을 수행했던 인증전문기관인 European Union Aviation
Agency (EASA) 입회하에 실시된 Site Infrastructure Acceptance Review (SIAR) 결과를 토대로 이루어졌으며 이를 통해 KASS 위성통신국 사이트 현장 설치가 요구사항에 맞도록 수행됨을 입증하였다.
Results of On-Site Installation Audit for KASS Uplink Station
Cheon Sig Sin, Jong Moon Lee
This paper presents the results of a on-site installation audit that proves whether the KASS Uplink Station equipment that constitutes the Korea Augmentation Satellite System (KASS) has been performed to meet the
installation requirements of the corresponding site. Through this, it was verified that all KASS Uplink station components and also auxiliary facilities required for operation were installed on site in accordance with
site requirements and Uplink Station requirements through cooperation with a foreign audit agency. The certification agency was European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), and the agency reviewed the data
described in Site Infrastructure Acceptance Review (SIAR) in advance and checked whether the survey items were conducted on site to meet the requirements.
Keywords: KASS, KASS-KUS, KUS site installation audit
Speaker 신천식 한국전자통신연구원 |