ADS-B Based Response System for GNSS Jamming Detection and Localization
Youngsun Yun, Jeongho Cho, Moon-Beom Heo, Gi-Wook Nam
Ground based GNSS jamming detection and localization systems could suffer from availability and accuracy degradation due to signal blockage or multipath effects by ground obstacles and multipath. For better performance, they need many sensors under nice signal reception conditions, which lead high cost. This paper proposes a GNSS jamming detection and localization system based on airborne GNSS receiver measurements and ADS-B communication link. The system is expected to respond to the high power GNSS jammers rapidly with lower cost and higher availability compared to the legacy ground based systems. The paper describes the system concept, expected advantages, and implementation issues.
Keywords: GNSS, jamming, ADS-B, detection, localization